
Recognizing Distracted Driving Awareness Month All Year Long

Recognizing Distracted Driving Awareness Month All Year Long

Apr 02, 2015

Article Archives

Distracted Driving Awareness MonthSafe Driving Tips For Distracted Driving Awareness Month Although April calls for Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we really should be recognizing these efforts all year long. Distracted driving has become one of the most trying concerns of today 's society where nearly everyone is addicted to their technological devices. Unfortunately, laws prohibiting cell phone use have not eradicated the problem, which means we must. To help support Distracted Driving Awareness Month, keep these safe driving tips in mind and pass them along to your friends, family, and neighbors:
  • No matter what message or call you may be expecting, it is not worth your life or the lives of others. If you find it too tempting to not look down at your phone, you need to find a way to eliminate the temptation. This may mean putting your phone on silent, turning it off, or tossing it in the backseat of your car each time you get behind the road.
  • Did you know that you can download a simple, free smartphone application that will disable your texting abilities and all non-Bluetooth initiated calls once your car is traveling over 35 miles per hour? Downloading this app can save lives!
  • Make an effort to start waking up a couple minutes early so that you have time to organize yourself before hitting on the gas each morning. When you have time to get your money out for the toll road, set up the address in your GPS, and enjoy your morning coffee inside your home as opposed to the roads, you can help to eliminate distracted driving temptations.
  • Try to make your driving time your €œme € time. This will not only help to relieve some everyday stress, but it will also make the roads inherently safer.
April is here and we ask you to join us in taking the pledge against distracted driving! Join us in celebrating Distracted Driving Awareness Month all year long! Serving Hudson, Chatham, and all of New York, contact Lofgren Agency for all of your auto insurance needs.
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