
Top Tips to Help You Get Sound Sleep During the Holidays

Top Tips to Help You Get Sound Sleep During the Holidays

Dec 14, 2016


Stay bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by getting quality sleep during the holidays.

Most of us know that the holidays are full of parties, festivities, social events, cooking, shopping, wrapping, and a whole lot more. If the month of December is usually your month to barely sleep a wink, it 's time to learn how to get sound sleep during the holidays! The festivities and fun can wreck havoc on our sleeping schedule. Here 's how to sleep well throughout the holiday! Make a List, Check It Twice Many of us are better with a visual list of to-dos in front of us. Start by listing the priority tasks that have a deadline. Instead of getting overwhelmed with this list of things to do, tackle only a couple at a time. That way, you can rest easy knowing that you were productive today. Avoid Alcohol It 's easier said than done, avoiding alcohol is a great way to improve your night 's sleep. Alcohol is a depressant and often results in poor sleep quality. Even though you 're attending a party every night this week, stick to fizzy apple juice to ring in the New Year and festivities. Eat Clean Along with parties and alcohol comes indulgent food. While the beloved holiday traditional baked goods are calling your name, don 't give in. Not only will you be cheating on your diet, but treats and rich food can cause heartburn and stomach upset later on in the night. Aim to eat a wholesome meal of greens, beans, vegetables, and rice before you go out so you 're less inclined to dip into the pastries and cake. Unwind Before you go to bed, allow your mind and body to relax. Going to bed fraught with nerves or a racing mind won 't help you achieve a good night 's sleep. Make sure that your room is dark, calm, and limit TV and computer usage before going to sleep. The team at Lofgren Agency wish you a happy holidays €“ with plenty of rest! For all of your insurance needs in Hudson and surrounding cities in New York, visit us today.
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