
How To: Insure Your Household Help

How To: Insure Your Household Help

May 14, 2015

Article Archives

Insuring your Household Help Do You Have The Right Protection In Place? Sometimes, you just need a little extra help. Fortunately, you can bring in that help, welcoming someone into your life to come alongside you and make sure things get done. Whether than means bringing in a cook, housekeeper, nanny, physical therapist, or someone else, it is important to make sure you have the right insurance safeguards in place to ensure that service does not end up costing you more than anticipated. Here is a quick look at the insurance coverage you need.
  • Occasional Workers: If you hire a babysitter or someone to rake your leaves, you probably only need that person once in a while. To ensure you are protected, make sure that your liability and no-fault medical coverage is sufficient to cover any possible accidents.
  • Company-Supplied Workers: If you work with a firm to have your needs met, make sure the individual they send is considered their employee, not yours. Then, ask to see their certificates of insurance to make sure they have the right coverage for their staff and your liability.
  • Permanent Employees: If you have a worker you hire regularly €”whether part-time or full €”you should investigate whether or not your state requires you to carry workers ' compensation for that individual. Even if it does not, you should consider carrying it to protect yourself against the cost of medical care if your employee is injured in your home. If that person will be driving your car, make sure your auto insurance will cover him or her.
Is your insurance agent giving you the guidance you need to cover yourself and your household help? For all of your coverage needs in Chatham, Hudson, and all of New York, contact  Lofgren Agency. Dedicated to helping your family and your workers stay protected, our expert staff can guide you to the right policies to meet your unique exposures. To get answers to all of your questions about insuring your household help, call us today!
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