
Tips to Go Greener in Your Everyday Life

Tips to Go Greener in Your Everyday Life

Oct 13, 2014

Article Archives

As our beautiful planet needs us now more than ever, we must think about what measures we can take in living a greener life. Eco-friendly habits can benefit our planet extremely. Gathered are some helpful tips so that you can go greener in your everyday life:
  • When it comes to going green, you must do so in every realm of your life. As a New York resident, you may have the luxury to cut down driving a few times a week. Try to walk or bike to local errand destinations or carpool whenever possible. Chances are, at least one of your coworkers lives in your neighborhood.
  • Likewise, when you do have to drive, be sure to eliminate wasteful gas usage. This includes idling while waiting to pick someone up or failing to have your car maintained regularly. Properly maintained cars increase fuel economy numbers.
  • Rather than using paper towels to dry your hands, purchase hand towels for the kitchen and bathrooms in your home so that you can stop wasting! Most homeowners fail to realize how many rolls of paper towels they go through on an annual basis. Cheap towels can be purchased at any local department store.
  • Water conservation is imperative in today 's society. When you save water, you use less energy, meaning, you are living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Refrain from leaving the water running, and be sure to change your irrigation system to account for natural water irrigation.
  • When you eat less meat, you are using less water and energy. Many people fail to realize this simple fact, because they do not connect the two. Animal production requires a great deal of water, energy, and maintenance.
Contact our agency in Millbrook for all of your New York insurance needs. We can insure your green lifestyle to the fullest!
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