
Tips to Help You Buy Auto Insurance for Your Teen

Tips to Help You Buy Auto Insurance for Your Teen

Aug 09, 2017

Article Archives

Keep your children safe on the road by enforcing good driving habits and reliable protection.

The time has come for your teenager to take the wheel. Before you let them into the driver 's seat, it 's important to ensure that your child is ready to stay safe on the roads. It 's no secret that teenagers cost more to insure on any auto insurance policy. Their inexperience on the roads can result in accidents, as well as their daredevil need for speed.   Any parent can add their qualified teenager to their car insurance policy to receive reliable protection. Passing the keys to your teenage driver is a monumental moment for yourself and your child. Doing this results in the addition of your child to the family car, or their own car 's, auto insurance policy. Here 's what you need to know about the process: When:  Most insurance companies must be informed when your teen is driving your car with a permit. Once your teen passes the test and has a license in hand, you must add them to the policy. What: Note that a car of less value, or one with numerous safety features, will be cheaper to insure than a flashy, expensive car. A teen 's first car is going to get dinged and dented quickly, more often than not, so start them out on a safe second-hand car. Behaviors:  Encourage your child to remember the rules of the road and safe driving practices even after they have passed their test. A successful way to do this is to set a passenger limit, never let them use a phone while driving, and regularly drive with them to watch for bad habits developing. Feedback:  To keep an eye on your teen 's driving behavior, you can add a monitoring system to your teen 's car. This tracks certain aspects of driving such as speeding, seat belt usage, hard breaking, and arrival and departure time. This feature could reduce your auto insurance premium. Savings:  While your auto insurance rate will increase when adding your teen, you can control how much it goes up. Look for savings with Good Student Discounts! Find out how much you can save when adding your teen to your  auto insurance  policy with Lofgren Agency in Hudson, New York today!  Contact us  for all of your insurance needs so that you, as a parent, can feel rest assured that protection is in place.
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