
How Are Auto Damages Estimated?

How Are Auto Damages Estimated?

Apr 29, 2019

Auto Insurance

How Auto Accident Damages Are Calculated

If you 've ever been involved in an auto accident, then one of the first questions you may have asked yourself, €œHow much will auto repairs cost? € Naturally, this a concern for many motorists, since damage can put people back thousands of dollars. To help you know how to get a better understanding of how damages to your vehicle are estimated when you have a claim, read on. Once an accident happens and a claim is filed, you should speak with your claims adjuster. After you give your statement about what happened during the accident, and if there is coverage for the damaged provided by your policy, the adjuster may send out an appraiser to inspect your vehicle. He or she will take pictures of the entire vehicle as well as the damaged areas in order to give the adjuster a better understanding of what your vehicle looks like. The main parts of an auto estimate are the vehicle details, an itemized list of parts and repairs needed, along with paint time, subtotals with tax, and the final estimate amount.  There may be auto body parts that need to be replaced, repaired, or removed and reinstalled. During the inspection, the appraiser will determine if/which body parts need to be replaced. Keep in mind that everything on the estimate of repairs has labor hours associated with it, whether it 's .25 hours, 2 hours, or 25 labor hours. The estimate is then generated, the subtotals are added up, taxes are included, and the final bill is summarized. There is a possibility that the shop may find additional damages down the road when the repairs are being completed. If this happens, the shop will submit another estimate for the insurance company to review. As long as the damages are related to the incident covered by the policy, the insurance company will generally handle it directly with the body shop. That 's what you should know about how auto damages are estimated. For the  auto insurance  you need, talk to the team at Kneller Agency. Serving Hudson, Valatie, Millerton, Red Hook, Millbrook, and neighboring cities, we can help you find reliable car coverage.
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