
Does Your Child Have the Back to School Essentials?

Does Your Child Have the Back to School Essentials?

Sep 08, 2016


Does Your Child Have the Back to School Essentials?Set your child up for success by equipping them with back to school essentials.

The school season is back in full swing, and the memories of the beach in summer are fading into the background. While you and your children get used to the early mornings and bedtimes again, now is the time to ensure that your kids have all of the needed back to school essentials to start the year off on the right foot. Tonight, stop in at Target and pick up all these school basics:
  • A sturdy backpack €“ Pick one in your child 's favorite color to let them wear it with pride throughout the whole school year. Make sure that it 's a sturdy and reliable backpack with plenty of pockets and space for the following!
  • Reusable water bottle €“ Part of keeping your child healthy (and functioning!) is to keep them hydrated. Pack a bottle of water in their bag so that they can keep sipping throughout the day.
  • Pens and paper €“ From pens, pencils, highlighters, notepads, and rulers, your child is going to need to get equipped for classes.
  • Extra equipment €“ If your child is taking sports classes or math classes, they may need specialized equipment. From football boots to a scientific calculator, your child doesn 't want to be that kid who forgot the essentials.
  • Comfortable shoes €“ Your child is going to be walking to and from classes every day. If their shoes start to rub, they 're going to be sore and distracted. Set them up with comfortable shoes to keep them going all day!
  • Lunchbox €“ Instead of relying on saturated fat- and salt-heavy foods in the canteen, pack a healthy and nutritious lunch for your child.
From the professionals at Lofgren Agency, we hope that you and your children enjoy the new school year! Give our insurance agents a call for your all-encompassing insurance protection in Hudson and surrounding cities in New York!
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